Local Advocate Named Ambassador for 2018 Northern Suburbs Lupus Walk
Kim Des Biens, longtime LSI supporter, named Northern Suburbs Lupus Walk Ambassador
CHICAGO, IL, April 30 – This year, the Chicago Northern Suburbs will host the 11th annual Lupus Walk on May 6, 2018, with local LSI advocate Kim Des Biens as its ambassador.
“Kim is a great Ambassador for the Northern Suburbs Illinois Lupus Walk,” says Mary Dollear, President of the Lupus Society of Illinois. “As Walk Ambassador, Kim will share her story with the lupus community and educate hundreds on what lupus is.”
Kim was diagnosed with lupus in 1990 but believes she has had the disease all her life. Lupus is difficult to diagnose because the disease can affect virtually any organ system in the body and there is no single test for the disease. The average lupus diagnosis takes several years and multiple doctors – too long when early treatment results in reduced morbidity and mortality.
Kim’s lupus affected her kidneys and eventually she underwent a kidney transplant. Her brother Todd donated the kidney. Since then, Kim has volunteered with LSI and participated in the Illinois Lupus Walk.
As ambassador, Kim will speak about her journey and the support she has received from LSI. “It’s comforting to know, as someone who has lupus, that The Lupus Society of Illinois is there,” she says. “They’re an amazing group of people who promote lupus awareness and provide support and advocacy for patients here in Illinois who struggle with this disease.”
Over 300 participants are expected to attend the Northern Suburbs Illinois Lupus Walk in the hopes of raising $50,000 toward LSI’s mission: to promote lupus awareness and complement the work of health care professionals by providing personalized resources for the lupus community while supporting research.
Along with raising awareness, the Northern Suburbs Lupus Walk will also be full of fun activities, such as a DJ and entertainment, a raffle and a team t-shirt contest. There will be a festival area with a stage and tents for LSI sales, kids’ activities, top teams and sponsors. Light refreshments will be served.
About the Northern Suburbs Illinois Lupus Walk
WHEN: May 6, 2018
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Walk steps off at 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: Half Day Forest Preserve, 24255 IL 21; Vernon Hills, IL
Day-of registration begins at 9am – adults: $30, kids (12 and under): $10
Online pre-registration HERE – adults: $25, kids (12 and under): $10
All registered participants receive an official 2016 Lupus Walk t-shirt and personal fundraising page
1 or 3-mile routes are available
About the Lupus Society of Illinois
The Lupus Society of Illinois (LSI), formed in 1973, is the Midwest’s leading non-profit health organization dedicated to finding the causes and cure for lupus.
LSI’s mission is to promote lupus awareness and complement the work of health care professionals by providing personalized resources for the lupus community while supporting research.
With the help of informed volunteers, lupus medical experts, and committed and caring supporters, we:
· support research and conduct education programs so everyone affected by
· lupus can have an improved quality of life;
· provide information to
· ensure people with lupus and their families get answers and health
· professionals know about new means to diagnose and manage the disease; and,
· Conduct activities to increase awareness of lupus, rally public support for those who are affected by lupus, and advocate on their behalf.
About Lupus:
Lupus is an unpredictable and misunderstood autoimmune disease that ravages different parts of the body. It is difficult to diagnose, hard to live with, and a challenge to treat.
For more information about lupus or the Lupus Society of Illinois, contact Mary Dollear, President, at (312) 542-0002.
MEDIA CONTACT Mary Dollear, LSI, (312) 648-6053, [email protected]