Lupus Society of Illinois Rockford Area Support Group Names Ashley Mohr as the 2016 Lupus Day at the River Ambassador

 In Links to Lupus News

July 27, 2016 – Ashley Mohr is a wife and mother of two amazingly awesome girls ages 8 and 5 years old. She was diagnosed with Lupus at the age of 24 after suffering from a stroke in 2013. The date she received her Lupus fighter ribbon was May 29, 2013. She was diagnosed with a SLE Lupus classification with CNS involvement and severe vasculitis.

The journey has been a struggle but she continues to persevere though the tough days. A tough day can consist of high anxiety, aching everywhere, swollen joint points, complication with walking and even sensitivity to sound and light.

Even though the rough days come and go and sometimes even during the rough times, Ashley is able to find her positive energy by spending time with her kids and trying to catch up on housework. In exciting news she recently launched a vinyl decal business with her husband that the support group is looking forward to supporting. The business is called Savage Graphix Co.

Despite having days where she is exhausted from this stressful illness she still enjoy hobbies such as outdoor activities with the family, crocheting and let’s not forget the great hobby of taking naps.

Ashley would like people to know that “lupus attacked me when I wasn’t ready…it has brought me down to the breaking point time and time again… but each time I cry , then get up and fight on…I will never let lupus keep me down…always rise above and push on!”

Ashley Mohr is an amazing energy and addition to the Rockford Support and for that we are honored to name her out Lupus Day at the River 2016 Ambassador.

WHO: Join Ashley along with lupus survivors, their families, friends, and hundreds of supporters of people living with lupus.
Representatives from the Lupus Society of Illinois (LSI) Rockford Support Group and the LSI, the Midwest’s leading non-profit health organization dedicated to finding the causes and cure for lupus.

WHAT: Lupus survivors, their families and friends, and hundreds of supporters, walkers and cheering spectators will join representatives from the LSI during the organization’s 4th Annual Lupus Day at the River in Rockford. This fun, family-friendly, 2 mile walk/run begins at Log Lodge at the YMCA of Rock River Valley, 200 Y Blvd., Rockford, IL. The Lupus Day at the River is an opportunity for the lupus community to meet and raise awareness about lupus.

Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that causes inflammation, tissue damage and can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Lupus is difficult to diagnose and there is no cure to this often disabling disease.

Last year we had approximately 100 people attend. There will be activities for the children, Rated AG – DJ will provide entertainment and we will have voter registration set up! There will also be a raffle and much much more!

WHEN: Saturday, August 6, 2016
Registration opens at 9:30 a.m.
Walk begins promptly at 10:00 a.m.

WHERE: Log Lodge, YMCA of Rock River Valley, 200 Y Blvd, Rockford, IL

The Lupus Society of Illinois’ mission is to promote lupus awareness and complement the work of health care professionals by providing personalized resources for the lupus community while supporting research. LSI serves the entire state of Illinois by offering programs and services designed to meet the needs of the lupus community.

Every day, an estimated 1.5 million Americans struggle with the often debilitating and disabling health effects of lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and tissue damage to virtually every organ system in the body.

Lupus can be fatal, is difficult to diagnose, has no cure and few treatments are available. Ninety percent of people with lupus are women and minorities are two to three times more likely to acquire the disease, however; anyone at any age can get the disease. Knowing the signs and symptoms of lupus is essential to early diagnosis. Contact the LSI for more information at [email protected] or call (312) 542-0002. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter


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