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Every day, thousands of Illinois residents live with the uncertainty of lupus, an unpredictable and often disabling disease that can affect virtually any system in the body.

Although there is no cure and few treatments, there is help.  The Lupus Society of Illinois provides personal support to people living with lupus and those that care about them.

Your support makes a difference.

Educational events LSI hosts annually
Financial assistance grants LSI is able to pay out annually
People helped annually through the Lupus Community Navigator Program
Estimated number of people reached through health fairs and speaking engagements

Making Lives Better…

  • “Thank you for putting together the educational teleconference on pain management. I found it to be quite informative. No one seems to believe my pain but I continue to find solutions.”

    Participant of LSI’s educational teleconference on pain management, presented by Lora McGuire, MS, RN.
  • “It was a very great presentation. It helped me with coping. I’m looking forward to attending several more in the future.”

    Lupus patient who attended the LSI’s Childhood Lupus Educational Event in September.
  • "I realized that in 8 years of dealing with Lupus, I have never talked to anyone who actually understands and is not just on the outside empathizing. I am so glad you put me in touch with her."

    Mother of an adolescent child with lupus who took advantage of the Individual Peer Support Program
  • "I completed the shamrock shuffle in 59 minutes and it was truly an amazing experience. I myself have lupus and it is active. I never thought I'd be able to finish because just last summer my flare ups were so often that I could hardly move. Raising money and getting out there and running for such an important cause, was incredible! I look forward to participating in more fundraising and races to support the Lupus Society!"

    Lupus champion and Lupus Charity Runner
  • "I cannot thank you enough for awarding me the Living With Lupus Grant. Truly I am grateful for the opportunity to use the money towards costs that will help me on this journey of living with lupus. Please continue in the fight of finding a cure for lupus and meanwhile offering opportunities like workshops, conferences and this grant for people like myself who need resources and support battling this cruel disease."

    Recipient of the Living with Lupus Financial Assistance Grant
  • "LSI are a very educated, caring, welcoming & loving team that help educate & bring awareness of Lupus to so many people.  I'm so honored to know & volunteer with them.  I've learned so much from them."

    Lupus Champion & Volunteer
  • "Very supportive of lupus warriors, their families & loved ones.  The level of support I've received is very genuine, heartfelt & of determination.  We are fortunate to have them advocating for us!"

    Lupus Champion & Volunteer
  • "This amazing organization cares deeply about individuals diagnosed with Lupus and their families and or support systems...Whether newly diagnosed or a warrior for years, you can count on professionalism, compassion and true advocacy for a cure."

    Lupus Champion & Volunteer
  • I was so happy to talk to you, too. I especially appreciated your accessibility and down to earth conversation and suggestions. I'm going to forward this email to my daughter, who is a nurse practitioner and mother of our dear 18 year old, the focus of my information search. Thank you!

    Barbara, grandmother of a lupus patient

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