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Summertime can be a challenging time of year for people living with lupus. If you are photosensitive, this time of year can bring on extra challenges – exposure to UV light can increase lupus symptoms or bring on a flare. There are some tips to help you navigate the summer sun while being mindful of the risk UV light produces.

Avoid mid-day and tropical sun. Staying inside between 10:00am and 4:00pm will reduce your exposure to the peak hours of UV rays. Also, cloudy or overcast days still pose a threat to UV rays.

Keep track of the time you spend in the sun. People with lupus are accustomed to tracking their symptoms – it’s helpful to track the amount of time and the time of day spent in the sun. People’s reactions to UV rays are different and the reactions are not necessarily immediate. Keeping track of your time in the sun will help you determine UV Rays involvement in any flares you may have – making it easier to avoid future flares.

Sunscreen with an SPF of 70 is recommended. Look for broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Remember to add sunscreen liberally and apply 20 minutes before heading out. Also, if you are outside for an extended period of time, reapply sunscreen periodically.

Cover your skin with long sleeve shirts, sun hats, long pants and anything else that will keep UV rays from hitting your skin. There are also clothes that offer UV protection.

UV rays also occur indoors – with certain light bulbs. Also, glass does not keep out all UV rays so be sure to use shades on long car rides.

Ask your doctor if any of the medications you are on can magnify the effects of UV rays.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Mary at [email protected] or call 312-542-0002.

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